At the starting of our company, Gunung Steel Group produces hot rolled steel profiles, and have gradually added a range of different profile beams into our product lines under PT. Gunung Garuda. After successfully produce profile beam products, our group later expands into flat steel products in the early years of 2000s, producing variety grades of hot rolled coils and plates (sheet). With more than 27 years of experience in the steel industry, we have the ability to produce 1.950.000 metric tonnes of steel per year and we are currently expanding our capacity and capability in response to the better outlook of Indonesia’s development by being the most comprehensive integrated steel mills in Indonesia.
All of our operation process is handled and controlled by experts from Indonesia that has many years of experience in the steel industry, ensuring that we are able to maintain our commitment to quality and reliability. Gunung Steel Group is located in Cikarang Barat, West Java Province, Indonesia. Our combined head office and mills are located in the same complex area covering over 200 hectares. With these combinations in the same area enables us to effectively manage and execute our production and services processes with the maximum efficiency.
Today, Gunung Steel Group is composed from 3 companies that are working together to provide the best solutions for our clients: One Stop Steel Shop not to be found anywhere else.
Supervisor QC
- Melakukan verifikasi hasil shop drawing
- Melakukan verifikasi hasil cutting drawing
- Melakukan verifikasi hasil raw material drawing
- Melakukan verifikasi hasil assembling shop drawing
- Menilai efektifitas kinerja pada divisi quality
- Melakukan koordinasi mengenai implementasi internal audit mutu di pabrik secara berkala
- Membuat perencanaan corective & preventive
- Memastikan pelaksanaan validasi, kualifikasi, dan kalibrasi pada semua alat ukur/ alat uji yang digunakan di lapangan
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Pendidikan S1, Diutamakan Teknik Mesin
- Berpengalaman selama minimal 3 tahun sebagai Senior/SPV QC
- Memahami ISO 9001
- Menguasai program aplikasi Windows dan Microsoft Office
- Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Berpenampilan menarik dan rapih
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dalam team (team player)
- Terbiasa bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Domisili di wilayah Bekasi dan sekitarnya
- Bersedia ditempatkan di area Cibitung
- Bersedia bergabung secepatnya
- Melakukan maintenance listrik
- Merancang instalasi listrik
- Menguasai PLC dan automation (memperbaiki/maintenance)
- Dapat memperbaiki/maintenance CNC machine
- Preview maint. & Schedule planner
- Usia maksimal 35 Tahun
- Pendidikan S1 electrical engineer/Instrument
- Berpengalaman sebagai electrician di manufaktur selama minimal 2-5 tahun
- Mahir menggunakan komputer (Ms. Office)
- Teliti dan cekatan
- Bersedia bekerja keras dan dibawah tekanan
- Sehat jasmani dan Rohani
- Bersedia ditempatkan di area Cibitung