Due to the development of a dynamic and competitive industry motivated to implement the program Pupuk Kaltim Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in an effort to increase the success of the Company's business and accountability. GCG program also aims to create shareholder value over the long term while considering other stakeholders.
Company Urea and Ammonia producers in Indonesia PT. Pupuk Kaltim currently provide an opportunity for citizens to participate in the selection Indonesians as prospective employees with the following positions :
- Pria :
- Teknik Metalurgi & Material
- Ieknik Kimia
- Teknik Sipil
- Teknik Mesin
- Teknik Industri
- Informatics Engineering
- Hukum
- Pria atau Wanita
- Accounting
- Communication Science
- Management (Marketing)
- Indonesian citizen
- Birth date start from 21 October 1987
- GPA min 3.00 (scale 4)
- Min TOEFL 450
- Have a good health (Physical and Mental)
- Not married and willing to not get married during the training period (training).
- Never been followed the selection (Test) process at PT Pupuk Kaltim in period October 2012 - September 2013.
- Willing to be placed according to the needs of the company.
- Drug free