Sales Promotion (SPG) (SPB) Surabaya
Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
- Pria/Wanita.
- 17-30 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal SMA.
- Fresh Graduate/pengalaman minimal 1 tahun.
- Penampilan menarik.
- Menguasai aplikasi komputer (microsoft office).
- Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal.
- Komunikatif, persuasif, dan mudah bersosialisasi.
- Kandidat bersedia bekerja di Jl. Mayor Jendral Sungkono 89.
Jakarta Raya - Kebon Jeruk atau Sunter
- Pria.
- Berusia antara 20-35 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/D3 (Engineering, teknik industri, arsitek, elektrik, otomotif).
- Fresh Graduate/ Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun.
- Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal.
- Komunikatif, persuasif, dan mudah bersosialisasi.
- Menguasai aplikasi komputer (microsoft office)
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri.
- Kandidat bersedia bekerja di Kebon Jeruk atau Sunter (dapat memilih).
Jakarta Raya
- Male.
- Age max 40years old.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering/Technic Industry/Architecture/InteriorDesign.
- Experiences min. 2 years in the same position.
- Strong command of English both written or oral.
- Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
- Have self motivated and willing to work hard.
- High integrity, honesty and trustworthy
- having persuasion, communication, and coordination skill with both internal and external company.
- Able to read layout work drawing project
Jakarta Raya - Kelapa Gading, Sunter, or Mangga Dua
- Female.
- 23-35 years old.
- D3/S1 from reputable university in accounting.
- Have minimum 2 years experiences in the same position.
- Understand about account payable, account receiveble, journal, bookkeeping, filling, and tax.
- High integrity, honesty and trustworthy.
- Able to work with team and independently.
- Strong command of English.
- Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
- Candidate must be willing to work in Kelapa Gading, Sunter, or Mangga Dua.
Jakarta Raya
- Wanita.
- 19-28 tahun.
- Pendidikan minimal D3/S1.
- Fresh Graduate/ Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai admin.
- Penampilan menarik.
- Mampu bekerja dengan teliti, detil, dan rapi.
- Mampu belajar dengan cepat, bertanggung jawab, dan jujur.
- Menguasai microsoft office (word, excel, power point).
- Kandidat bersedia ditempatkan di Pulo Gadung.
Jakarta Raya - Pluit
- Male/Female
- 25-35 years old.
- D3/S1 from reputable university in pharmacy/food nutrition.
- Have minimum 1 years experiences in pharmacy or product specialist.
- Demonstrated good written and oral communication skills in positions requiring communication with a broad and diverse audience.
- Strong interpersonal skill.
- High integrity, honesty and trustworthy.
- Able to work with team and independently.
- Strong command of English is a plus.
- Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
- Candidate must be willing to work in Pluit.
Jakarta Raya, Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Sales management of office furniture project based, successful track record in developing strategic growth plans. Analyze existing and potential markets, provide product information to customers. Develop and maintain close working relationship to designer and manufacturing division.
- Female.
- Age range 22-40 years old.
- S1 Mayor in architecture/interior design/civil engineering is an advantage.
- Have 1-2 years of experience in project sales.
- Strong interpersonal skill.
- Demonstrated good written and oral communication skills in positions requiring communication with a broad and diverse audience.
- Experience in manufacture/furniture company is preferred.
- Strong command of English.
- Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
- Have own transportation.
- Account Manager in Jakarta must be willing to work in Cileungsi
Jakarta Raya
- Male.
- Age max 35 years old.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering/Technic Industry/Architecture/InteriorDesign.
- Experiences min. 2 years in the same position.
- Strong command of English both written or oral.
- Computer skill and ability to use design software ofauto cad or 3D max.
- Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
- Have self motivated and willing to work hard.
- High integrity, honesty and trustworthy
- Candidates must be willing to work in Cileungsi.
Jakarta Raya
- Male/Female.
- Age range 22-30 years old.
- Fresh Graduate from reputable university
- S1 in architecture/civil engineering/industry engineering/accounting
- GPA min. 3.2.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skill.
- Active in campus or out of campus organization.
- Strong command of English both written or oral.
- Computer literate (Ms. Office Application).
- Have leadership skill, self motivated, and willing to work hard.
- Proactive and hard driver to get things done.
- Candidates must be willing to work in Cileungsi.
more detail about Lowongan Kerja PT Neo Insan International (Power Character) expired date and to apply this job