Sanbe Farma market coverage in Indonesia includes more than 37,000 served by 1,000 Physicians Medical Representative, through our network of associates from Sales 1,100 people, 35 depots, 60 sub-depots and the company of our workforce comprises 8000 personnel. Our eight manufacturing facilities in Indonesia are cGMP approved plant as per International Standards.
International operations Sanbe Farma formulation includes not only exports, to develop and under developed countries, but also look for partnerships and alliances from and to developed and regulated markets such as North America and Europe with the aim to put Sanbe Farma on the global map for supplying generic and specific formulation not only for Indonesia but also throughout the world.
Sanbe Farma is currently looking for candidates to join and develop a career in the position :
Teknisi Instrumen LAB (Kode : TIL)
Jawa Barat
- Menangani, mengoperasikan serta menguasai bagian dari alat-alat Instrumentasi Lab
- Memahami GLP
- Bersedia bekerja shift
- Pria
- Usia 20 – 27 thn
- Lulusan D3 Teknik Elektro/ S1 Instrumentasi, IPK > 2,75
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
- Fresh Graduated/ Pengalaman Tidak Diutamakan
Jawa Barat
- Menganalisa komponen kimia
- Mengoperasikan instrumen lab
- Bekerja dengan tim
- Bersedia bekerja shift
- Pria
- Usia 18 – 25 thn
- Lulusan SMK Analis Kimia
Jawa Barat
- Dapat membaca gambar teknik
- Dapat menghitung kebutuhan material dan tenaga kerja
- Dapat membuat rencana kerja
- Mampu membuat progress pekerjaan secara rutin dan tepat waktu
- Melakukan opname volume pekerjaan dilapangan
- Mampu bekerja dengan deadline yang ketat dan sesuai schedule proyek
- Mampu bekerja secara tim maupun individu
- Pria
- Usia maksimal 40 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal STM/SMK Jurusan Bangunan
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di banunan tinggi
- Teliti dan cekatan
Jawa Barat
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang diperlukan dalam mengawasi kinerja operator
- Mendokumentasi laporan
- Pria
- Usia 18 – 25 thn
- Lulusan D3 Farmasi/ Kimia Industri
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
- Fresh Graduate/ Pengalaman Tidak Diutamakan