Our Vision: To raise a generation that excels in all areas and has an unshakeable foundation
Accounting Supervisor
What are we looking for in a lead teacher?
- A Degree (S1) in Accounting
- Experience using Accounting Software
- Min Experience 2 year in accounting and Finance
- Capability in English for Oral and Written
- Willing to work hard, detailed and honest
- Prepare Ledger for Financial Statement
ISMILE International School of Multiple Intelligences Learning & Enrichment
PT. Sumber Pancaran Hikmat
Gapura Prima Office Tower 5 Floor the Belleza Permata Hijau Jl. Letjend Soepono No.34
Jakarta Selatan 12210
Phone: 021-53664777
Fax: 021-53664795
E-mail: enquiry@ismile.sch.id