LOWONGAN KERJA Lowongan Kerja PT Visi Solusi Teknologi - MADURACANTIK JOBS


9 Mei 2012

Lowongan Kerja PT Visi Solusi Teknologi

Visi Solusi TeknologiVisitek is one of the leading IT consulting and system integrator in Indonesia. We help our customers optimize their IT system and infrastructure to achieve their business objective.

Join us:
Administration - Kode : ADMINISTRASI / IT PR)
Job Description

Administrative personnel who are able to perform administrative and project documentation in the field of application and network. Therefore it takes a graduate degree informatics or computer so quickly adapt to the administrative division that has been there before. In addition such personnel must be able to or understand HTML / CSS as a basic ability to test on this job.

  1. Berpenampilan menarik
  2. WANITA, maksimal 24 tahun , single
  3. Fresh Graduate atau berpengalaman
  4. Pendidikan Minimal D3 Teknik Komputer / Informatika
  5. Mampu menggunakan Microsoft Office (Ms.Word, Ms.Excel, Power point)
  6. Mampu atau mengerti HTML/CSS
  7. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  8. Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun tim, tekun, disiplin dan bermotivasi tinggi
  9. Mengerti Bahasa Inggris, IT
  10. Bekerja full time (bukan part time)
  11. Diutamakan berdomisili di Bandung Jawa Barat
Fasilitas yang didapatkan:
  • Makan Siang
  • Jamsostek
  • Akomodasi untuk setiap tugas luar kota
  • Gaji Bulanan
Cantumkan pada Pojok Kiri-Atas surat lamaran anda: (Kode : ADMINISTRASI / IT PR)
Kirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV lengkap & Pas foto terbaru ke:

Visi Solusi Teknologi, PT


Atau kirimkan melalui email : bentanginspira@yahoo.com