LOWONGAN KERJA Lowongan Kerja H&H Utama International - MADURACANTIK JOBS

14 Jun 2012

Lowongan Kerja H&H Utama International

H&H Utama InternationalPT H&H Utama International fabricates a wide range of steel structures under your design or using our own engineers. Our steel processing is expedited using modern equipment including hydraulic plate shears, presses, automated plate profiling/cutting and bevelling equipment as well as plate rolling machinery. Beam fabrication is aided using a dual head beam welding machine. Rapid production cutting of steel shapes is achieved utilizing a high speed band saw.

PT. H&H Utama International was established in Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur in 1974 by Jim Harding and Egon "Swede" Holmstrom.

We wish to appoint an experienced HR/GA Manager. The appointee will be technically qualified to degree level and preferably have experience in steel fabrication or allied business. This is a permanent Balikpapan based position on single status.

Applications including detailed resume may be sent electronically to hh@hh-utama.com. Please clearly indicate in your application the position you are seeking.

PT. H&H Utama International
Jl. Mulawarman, Batakan Kecil
PO Box 241, Balikpapan 76115
Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Phone: +62 (0) 542 770111
Fax: +62 (0) 542 770112
Website: www.hh-utama.com