In line with its vision, PK is positioning to develop coal mining and coal infrastructure in Indonesia. Having potential coal and human resources capability in Indonesia, PK develops coal mining & infrastructure in South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan , East Kalimantan and South Sumatera
We have in excess of total 100,000 HA mining area, in addition to our own subsidiaries of Mining Services Companies such as Mining Contractor, Barging, Coal Terminal, and Transloader – Floating Crane. Padang Karunia Group is pursuing to become one of the reliable source and preferred partner that can be trusted by the coal user worldwide.
With diversified range of product portfolio, we believe that we are able to serve our valued customer better. As proven, companies from domestic and international market such as Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, India, Korea, China, South America, and even from Europe, trust to place order from us.
1. Project Manager
2. Plant Supervisor
3. HR Superintendent
4. Plant Superintendent
5. Mine Plan Engineer
6. Mechanical Crusher & Conveyor
7. Stockpile Supervisor
8. Hauling & Road Supervisor
9. Chief Security
10. Trainer (for dump truck)
Persyaratan Umum:
1. No 1-5, 7-10 Minimum D3 /S1 Sesuai Jurusan
2. No 6 Minimal SLTA atau sederajat
3. Usia min. 23 s/d 37 Tahun
4. No 1 minimal 7 tahun pengalaman, No 2 - 5 minimal 3 tahun pengalaman, Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di Perusahaan Tambang Batubara
5. Memiliki motivasi dan semangat kerja yang tinggi
6. Penempatan di Site (Muara Teweh – Kalteng)
Kirim Lamaran dan CV lengkap beserta foto terbaru anda ke alamat e-mail :
To : terra@pdangbara.com
Cc : irwansyah@padangbara.com
Kemudian lakukan registrasi di website kami di www.padangkarunia.com/jobonline dan silahkan melakukan registrasi di menu yang tersedia.
Alamat : Padang Karunia Group
Gedung The East Lt. 19
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E 3-2 No. 1
Jakarta Selatan - Indonesia 12950
Lamaran dikirim paling lambat tanggal 7 Juni 2012